







【ディズニー事情】ウォルト・ディズニーの歴史(1) / 生い立ち・功績・人生をめぐる 【ディズニーブログ】【和訳】

ウォルト・ディズニー・ワールドにある〈One Man's Dream〉というウォルト・ディズニーの人生をめぐる展示を鑑賞できるアトラクションの展示物を網羅!







1906年 アメリカの小さな町で育つ

Growing Up In Small Town America 1906


Though Walt only lived in Marceline, Missouri for four years of his childhood, he never lost touch with the charms of life in a turn-of-the-century American town. In the years ahead, Walt would often dream of recreating, for himself and others, that simpler world.





1915年 絵を描き始める

Walt Begins Drawing  1915


As a teenager, Walt found the time to take some lessons. “I went to Saturday classes at the Kansas City Art Institute when I was fourteen,” he recalled. “When I went to Chicago, I went to the Academy of Fine Arts three nights a week while I was going to high school. Then after I’d been there for a while, I went into technique and I studied cartoon technique.”





1915年 ウォルトの少年時代のヒーロー

Walt’s Boyhood Hero 1915


When Walt was a boy, one of his biggest heroes was Abraham Lincoln. “From the fifth grade on up,” he recalled, “I always came around on Lincoln’s birthday to all the classes with my crepe paper hair beard with the mole, a stovepipe hat I made by using a derby and putting a cardboard thing on top and painting it black, and my Dad’s coat. I’d come in and go through The Gettysburg Address.”





1916年 王子、少女、そしてロマンス

The Prince, The Girl, The Romance 1916


When Walt was a newsboy in Kansas City, he attended a screening of the live-action silent motion picture Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Walt would never forget the story of Snow White, and thought for years about how he could bring the tale to the screen in a way never before imagined.





1917年 軌跡のはじまり

On The Right Track 1917


As one of his earliest jobs, Walt sold candy and newspapers on the train out of Kansas City. After he began creating animated films, he dreamed of heading west to Hollywood. “I didn’t have enough money to get my ticket,” he recalled. “I used to go down and stand there with tears in my eyes and look at those trains heading out to Union Station in Los Angeles.”





1917年 ディズニー兄弟

The Disney Brothers 1917


When Walt was growing up, his family was just barely making ends meet. “For Christmas and birthdays,” Walt recalled, “my brother Roy was the one who would always see that my sister Ruth and I had toy. Roy was one of the kindest fellows I’ve ever known in my life.”





1924年 初の快挙はアリスの映画

Alice Cartoons – an Early Innovation


In the early 1920s, cartoons were becoming more and more popular. “I was thinking,” Walt once recalled, “if I had something novel, instead of parroting the other cartoons, I might crack the market. They had the cartoons working with the humans, maybe I’ll pull a reversal on that, I’ll make a real person and put them into the drawing. So I made Alice’s Wonderland.”




1928年 ハリウッドに新スターが誕生

A New Hollywood Star Is Born 1928


On a train from New York to Los Angeles, Walt dreamed up a new character to star in his next cartoon: a mouse named Mortimer. Walt’s wife, Lillian, cautioned that “Mortimer” sounded a little pompous. In a moment that would change film history, she suggested the name Mickey.





1928年 おしゃべりに! 歌まで!

They Talk! They Sing! 1928


When Mickey Mouse made his debut in “Steamboat Willie,” audiences were delighted by the new marvel of synchronized sound, with music and dialogue perfectly matched to the action onscreen, Walt Disney recalled how he first gave his voice to Mickey. “I kept saying ‘No, it’s more like this.’ And the guys said ‘Well, Walt, why don’t you do it?’ So I did. Yeah, I’m a character.”





1929年 シリー・シンフォニー、それは音楽、映像、感覚の融合

Silly Symphonies: Music, Images and Emotion 1929


Though Walt was not a musical expert, he understood the emotional value music could bring to his animation. Following the phenomenal success of Mickey Mouse, Walt created a new series of animated stories told without dialog, relying totally on images and music. He called them Silly Symphonies.





1930年 ディズニーのアニメイターたちには授業が必修

Disney Animators Have Class 1930


As Walt’s animated films became more ambitious, he found he had to improve the skills of his animators. He recruited faculty members from the Chouinard Art Institute to hold classes at the Studio. “There was a need for the study of movement, simplification of lines that applied to our business. So I set up a school.”





1932年 原動力になったのは

The Creative Dynamic


The powerful combination of Walt’s artistic vision and Roy’s wise business acumen allowed their fledgling motion picture studio to prosper. In 1932, Roy merchandise – watches, toy trains and stuffed animals – providing a fresh new stream of revenue for the company, and bringing Walt’s creations into homes across the world.






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